CHORDS: Skipinnish – Harvest Of The Homeland Chords on Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression Hub
This is the chords of Harvest Of The Homeland by Skipinnish on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.
Bm   G   D   A
Bm   G   A   G

[Verse 1]
         D       G     
Will the harvest of the 
 D        A    D    Dsus4  D
homeland come again
And the children of the 
D            A
grain return as men?
G               A        
Will our chorus still be 
Bm             D        
strong when we are dead 
and gone
        D      G       
And our voices proudly 
D    A      G     D
echo in the glen?

G               D         
We will return. Our flame 
Dmaj7     G
will burn again.
    Bm         G        D   
The earth will heal and torn 
             A    Asus2  A
fields will mend.
G       A          Bm   
We will return our flame 
      Dmaj7 G
wont burn alone;
   Em     D           G     
By Autumn stars we\'ll bring 
    A       D   G  D
the harvest home  
[Verse 2]
G        D      G       D     
From the cities and the towns 
   A    D     Dsus4 D
we will return
And from the countries where 
     D                A
our forebears had to run.
        G      A      Bm      
We will gather on the ground. 
where the bonds of blood are 
        D       G         
And the leading lights of 
D    A    G        D
home will brightly burn.

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G               D         
We will return. Our flame 
Dmaj7     G
will burn again.
    Bm         G        D    
The earth will heal and torn 
            A    Asus2  A
fields will mend.
G       A          Bm    
We will return our flame 
     Dmaj7 G
wont burn alone;
   Em     D           G     
By Autumn stars we\'ll bring 
    A       D   G  D
the harvest home

Bm    G     D   A
Bm    G     A   Asus2

[Verse 3]
From the faintness of the 
D                G   D
fading lunar bow,
     G             D    
From ashes now the Gael 
     A    Asus2  A
will grow.
      G        A       Bm   
We\'ll hear the calling tune 
            D            G
sound below the harverst moon
        D      G    D      A  
And the rising of a people we 
will know.

Master all Chord Shapes easily with our Guitar and Ukulele Chord Tab Generator

G               D         
We will return. Our flame 
Dmaj7     G
will burn again.
    Bm         G        D    
The earth will heal and torn 
            A    Asus2  A
fields will mend.
G       A          Bm   
We will return our flame 
      Dmaj7 G
wont burn alone;
   Em     D           G     
By Autumn stars we\'ll bring 
    A       D   G  D
the harvest home

G               D        
We will return. Our flame 
 Dmaj7     G
will burn again.
    Bm         G        
The earth will heal and 
D    Asus4       A    Asus2  A
torn fields will mend.
G       A          Bm   
We will return our flame 
      Dmaj7 G
wont burn alone;
   Em     D           G     
By Autumn stars we\'ll bring 
    A       D   G  D
the harvest home
   Em     D           G     
By Autumn Stars we\'ll bring 
    A       D   G  D
the harvest home


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