CHORDS: Pinegrove – Iodine Chords on Piano & Ukulele

These are the chords for Iodine by Pinegrove on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
Cadd9G/B G D/F# Em7      
i swallow my pride       
   Cadd9        G/B   
the animals outside   
        G   D/F#    Em7
are loving in the humid day light 
Cadd9              G/B  
 i followed it inside   
             D/F#         Em7    
 from room to room to try to     
           Cadd9        G/B        
see if something catches me right
G D/F# Em7

     Cadd9       G/B  
but nothing i try     
       G     D/F#    Em7       
can abbreviate the time        
         Am7  A7 Em7
can alleviate my mind
                  Cadd9         G/B
when you get down     stay down    
          G D/F#       Em7
way down   weighed down
                  Cadd9       G   
when you get down    stay down    
way down    
D/F#      Em7
weighed down

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Cadd9            G/B   
then later this week   
      G     D/F#     Em7       
i’ll leak a bit of iodine      
from my eye like 
         G/B         G D/F# Em7
that brilliant video
Cadd9            G/B       
i’m spiraled up inside     
     G D/F# Em7         
my iridescent mind      
is reaching up for 
          G/B            G D/F# Em7
something pure & or actual

Master all Chord Shapes easily with our Guitar and Ukulele Chord Tab Generator

     Cadd9       G/B  
but nothing i try     
       G     D/F#    Em7       
can abbreviate the time        
         Am7  A7 Em7
can alleviate my mind
when you get down     
stay down    
          G D/F#       Em7
way down   weighed down
                  Cadd9        G 
when you get down    stay down    
          G D/F#      Em7
way down    weighed down
  Cadd9         G/B   
when you get down     
       G D/F#
stay down    
way down   weighed down
                  Cadd9         G 
when you get down    stay down    
          G D/F#      Em7
way down    weighed down


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