CHORDS: Jon Ogah – Uncle Suru ft Adekunle Gold & Simi Chord progression…

Chords Jon Ogah Uncle Suru Ft Adekunle Gold & Simi Chord Progression Yallemedia

CHORDS for Jon Ogah \’Uncle Suru\’ ft Adekunle Gold & Simi Chord progression on Piano, Guitar and Keyboard,

This song is currently making wave in Nigeria and the rest of Africa. The song talks about a young talented singer who became a superstar after all failed promises from his uncle called Suru.

The song was played on Key G#, check out the progressions after the like button.

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The chords in solfas or solfa notations doh, fah, doh, lah, soh, fah.. Note that this should be played in order.

The chords are…

Uncle suru (doh)

(fah) I\’m going to surulere (doh)

(lah) you say if I meet 2face (soh)

I\’m gonna be a superstar (fah)


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