These are the chords for The First Christmas Morn by Charley Pride on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
[Intro] C Em F G [Verse 1] C C7 F A star in the East leading Wise Men to Him C C7 F He and His mother bringing gifts to them Em C7 F A sign telling all the Christ Child is born C G C On this first Christmas morn C* Dm7* G* [Verse 2] C C7 F Shepherds lay trembling from fear some were fleeing C C7 F The East sky ablaze what could they be seeing Em C7 F They heard of a Savior soon to be born G Had he comes on this C C7 first Christmas morn
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[Chorus] F G Could this be the day Em C7 a new world begins F G Can this tiny child walk C G through life free from sin C C7 Has mankind been blest with F a port from all storms C G C Em F On this first Christmas morn (Key change, up one semitone) [Verse 3] G C C7 These things came to pass F as we now all know C C7 May these thoughts be planted F in our minds to grow Em C7 F Let\'s not forget why He wore a crown of thorns C G C On this next Christmas morn C* Dm7* C7*
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[Chorus] F G Could this be the day Em C7 a new world begins F G Can this tiny child walk C G through life free from sin C C7 Has mankind been blest with F a port from all storms C G C On this first Christmas morn Em D* G* C*