[Verse 1] Bmaj7 When\'s it gonna change? B What\'s the point in making this F#/Bb when they just stay the same? Writing things I\'ve wrote before G#m7 Said that I would quit But I don\'t think I\'m F# sticking to it [Verse 2] My new years B resolution was a weak one Forgot that shit by Feb F#/Bb I was gonna get shit do But I had new shit in my head F#m G#m7 It came \'round to March and I was down and depressed F# It was too much for a minute Was not living at my best Emaj7 I just stayed in bed for days, and Showers came in April D# Feeling like a fool now D#m And I\'m looking forward C#/F But when it gets warmer F# Gonna feel a little better B I may, now it\'s May
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[Verse 3] B/Eb Oh my god, my birthday C#/F coming up I\'m turning twenty-five I hope that F# I see twenty-five more years alive I wanna feel B/Eb the best that I can feel C#/F And make the most of life F# But May came\' \'round so fast I can\'t believe five months went by B/Eb Almost half Yeah, it\'s summer soon, C#/F I\'m happy as hell F# And June is looking good, yeah I can tell Well, ready for E it now I\'m outside the D#m7 house, thank God C#/F July came around, F# was grateful yet still Bmaj7 frustrated [Verse 4] B Oh Feel too much now This heat won\'t even save me F#/Bb August is amazing Suntan under my face G#m7 again This year we needed reason to smile, so F# Went Italy and did the anniversary, wow B Time went on, and I remembered F#/Bb Feeling like, \"Holy f**k, now, it\'s September\" G#m What am I doing? In fall, I\'m feeling painless Only three more F# months \'til we gon\' start again Going through the year E together D#m Through the year together C#/F October, now it\'s cold again F# I don\'t feel like B myself, oh God [Verse 5] D#m November C#/F I don\'t know the F# difference anymore It\'s cold and I just want to go D#m back to the start I know I\'ll feel C#/F much better there F# I\'m gonna make new plans and stick to them this time, D#m I swear What now? What\'s C#/F next? I need to think F# about gifts Christmas coming up Oh shit, I ain\'t E ready yet D#m No, no, no
[Outro] C# You start the whole thing over F# And we try a little B harder next year