Category: Violin

  • CHORDS: The Lumineers – Old Lady Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression

    This is the chords of Old Lady by The Lumineers on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    F C F C

    F                                             C
    An old lady crosses the street
    F                                     C
    And as she waves to me, I don\’t see her
    G                   F                   C
    And I know that one day I
    F C G Am F C G Am
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    F                                                        C
    And how I miss my mother\’s mother
    F                                     C
    She became a stranger, but I still love her
    G                   F                   C
    And I hope, I hope she returns
    F C G Am F C G Am
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    F                                                       C
    Now the day came when we left her
    F                                                       C
    We couldn\’t say goodbye, and I know that I was wrong
    G                   F                   Am
    But I hope that she knows
    F C G Am F C G Am
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    F C F C

  • CHORDS: Taylor Swift – The Last Great American Dynasty Chord Progression on Piano & Ukulele

    This is the chords of The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.


    [Verse 1]
    G             Am                  C
     Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train,
      it was sunny
    G                         Am        
     Her saltbox house on the coast took
      her mind off St. Louis
    G             Am                   
     Bill was the heir to the Standard 
       G/B        C
     Oil name and money
             G                   Am 
     And the town said, \"How did a 
     middle-class divorcée do it?\"
    G/B             Am              
     The wedding was charming, if a
      little gauche
     There\'s only so far new money goes
     They picked out a home and called it
      \"Holiday House\"
    G/B                 Am        
     Their parties were tasteful,
      if a little loud
     The doctor had told him to 
     settle down
     It must have been her fault his
      heart gave out
     And they said	

    FEATURED: What you need to know as a Pianist.

    D               G/B       
     There goes the last great
              C       G
      American dynasty
    D              G/B                  
     Who knows, if she never showed up, 
                  C   G
     what could\'ve been
    D               G/B         
     There goes the maddest woman 
     this town has ever seen
              G              Am     
    She had a marvelous time ruining
    [Verse 2]
    G             Am              
     Rebekah gave up on the Rhode
      Island set forever
    G                Am         
     Flew in all her Bitch Pack
      friends from the city
     Filled the pool with champagne 
     and swam with the big names
     And blew through the money on the
      boys and the ballet
    G              Am                  C
     And losing on card game bets with Dalí
     And they said

    Are you Finding it difficult playing on key? Use our Free Online Tab Generator for Guitar & Ukulele to get all chords shapes of different key

    D               G         
     There goes the last great 
            C       G
     American dynasty
    D              G                   
     Who knows, if she never showed up,
                      C   G
      what could\'ve been
    D               G             
     There goes the most shameless 
     woman this town has ever seen
              D              G      
    She had a marvelous time ruining
    Am                Em
     They say she was seen on 
    G                          D
     Pacing the rocks, staring out 
     at the midnight sea
    Am                      Em
     And in a feud with her neighbor
    G                      D
     She stole his dog and dyed it 
     ey lime green
    Am     Em
     Fifty years is a long time
    G                  D
     Holiday House sat quietly 
     on that beach
    Am       Em                  G
     Free of women with madness, their
      men and bad habits
     And then it was bought by me
    G C G	

    FEATURED: All about Scales you need to know asap.

    D              G                 
     Who knows, if I never showed up,
                        C   G/B
      what could\'ve been
    D               G                 
     There goes the loudest woman this
            C          G/B
      town has ever seen
              D              G     
    I had a marvelous time ruining 
                C    G/B
             D          G  C G/B
     I had a marvelous time ruining 
    D            G   C  G/B
     A marvelous time ruining 
    D            G    C G/B
     A marvelous time
             D        G     C
     I had a marvelous time	
  • CHORDS: Miqueas Lopez – Mountain Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of Mountain by Miqueas Lopez on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    D#m C# B G#m
    D#m C# B G#m

    [Verse 1]
    D#m                            C#
    They say faith can move a mountain
    B             G#m
    But it looks so tall
    D#m                         C#
    And your heart is full of doubt
    B                         G#m
    Because you feel so small

    [Verse 2]
    D#m                         C#
    You keep staring at the peak
    B                                     G#m
    Of what\’s been in your way
    D#m                         C#
    Paralyzed by every problem
    B                         G#m
    That you hope will change

    D#m             C#             B             G#m
    Keep looking higher, higher, higher
    D#m                   C#                         B
    Keep looking higher, higher, higher

    [Chorus 1]
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain – yea–ah
    Look at our mighty God
    B                         C#                         D#m
    Who made this whole world with his hands
    Look at his power
    B                                     C#
    Let your problems turn to grains of sand
    D#m             C#                         B             G#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over
    D#m             C#             B                G#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over

    [Verse 3]
    D#m             C#
    Overwelmed by heavens glory
    B                         G#m
    This world fades away
    D#m             C#
    His eternal love
    B                                     G#m
    Against the worries of today

    D#m     C#             B                         G#m
    Keep looking higher, higher, higher
    D#m                         C#                         B
    Keep looking higher, higher, higher

    [Chorus 1]
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain
    Look at our mighty God
    B C# D#m
    Who made this whole world with his hands
    Look at his power
    B C#
    Let your problems turn to grains of sand
    D#m C# B G#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over
    D#m C# B G#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over

    D#m C# B G#m
    He is greater, greater, greater (so much greater)
    D#m C# B G#m
    He is stronger, stronger, stronger (so much stronger)
    D#m C# B G#m
    Yeah, he is greater, greater, greater (so much greater)
    D#m C# B
    Oh, he is stronger, stronger, stronger

    [Chorus 2]
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain – hey–eh–ah (look over
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain – yeah–ah (look over
    Look at our mighty God
    B C# D#m
    Who made this whole world with his hands
    Look at his power
    B C#
    Let your problems turn to grains of sand
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over
    F#/A# B C# D#m
    Over the mountain (look over, look over

    [Chorus Ending]
    F#/A# B
    Over the mountain (look over, look over
    F#/A# F#
    Over the mountain

  • CHORDS: P3 – Tættere End Vi Tror Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    CHORDS: P3 – Tættere End Vi Tror Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of Tættere End Vi Tror by P3 feat. Tessa, Lukas Graham, Mads Langer, Jada, Benjamin Hav, Clara & Don Stefano on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    [Omkvæd: Don Stefano]
    Min gamle ven
    E                       F#m
    Føler du dig ogs\’ lidt ensom?
    Jeg lover dig
    E                         A
    Det ska\’ nok bli\’ godt igen
    F#m         E                 D
    Jeg ved, jeg ikk\’ må se dig lige nu
    A                         Bm
    Men jeg ka\’ hør\’ dit kor
    Selvom vi er langt fra hinanden
    (E)                         A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror

    [Vers 1: Jada og Christopher]
    F#m                         E                         A
    Jeg ka\’ hør\’ dig fra selv den her distance
    F#m                 E                 A
    Og jeg ka\’ mærk\’ hver evig eneste ord
    Bm                                         D                         A
    Og mens vi sammen står her hver for sig og mangler hinanden
    Ka\’ vi gør\’ meget mer\’, end vi selv tror
    F#m                                 E                                 A
    For selvom den her afstand den er svær at ha\’ med at gøre
    F#m                         E                                               A
    Så holder jeg mig fast på, at det hele det bli\’r ligesom før
    Hvis du har mod på det, gør vi bod på det
    For vi\’ bedst, når vi\’ to – tag mit ord på det
    A                 C#m                 C#7
    For jeg savner dig, min kammerat

    [Omkvæd: Lukas Graham og kor]
    Min gamle ven
    E                         F#m
    Føler du dig ogs\’ lidt ensom?
    Jeg lover dig
    E                                 A
    Det ska\’ nok bli\’ godt igen (igen)
    F#m                 E         D
    Jeg ved, jeg ikk\’ må se dig lige nu
    A                         Bm
    Men jeg ka\’ hør\’ dit kor
    Selvom vi er langt fra hinanden
    E                         A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror

    [Vers 2: Clara og Mads Langer]
    F#m                                 E
    Det slider lidt på sjælen at være alene
    I for lang tid ad gangen
    F#m                                 E
    Nej, jeg prøver ikke på at lave en scene
    Det\’ så\’n, jeg har det
    For alle mine drømme, alle mine længsler
    De er buret inde i virkelighedens fængsler
    A                         E
    Og jeg drømmer mest om dig
    Lange dage, korte nætter
    E                                                       A
    Men du ved, at jeg er lige her med dig
    F#m                                                 E
    For vi\’ sammen hver for sig – det ska\’ nok gå
    Er du nede ska\’ du nok kom\’ ovenpå
    For frygter vi det værste, glemmer vi det bedste
    Når tiden den står stille, så husk nu på at elske
    Jeg ved, du ved, at vi
    C#m C#7
    At vi er meget, meget tættere

    [Omkvæd: Kor, Benjamin Hav, Lukas Graham og Christopher]
    Min gamle ven
    E F#m
    Føler du dig ogs\’ lidt ensom? Yeah
    Jeg lover dig (jeg lover dig)
    E A
    Det ska\’ nok bli\’ godt igen (He-ay-ya-ya)
    F#m E D
    Jeg ved, jeg ikk\’ må se dig lige nu
    A Bm
    Men jeg ka\’ hør\’ dit kor
    Selvom vi er langt fra hinanden
    E A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror

    [Post-omkvæd: Jada, Lukas Graham og kor & Mads Langer]
    A E D
    Er vi tætter\’, end vi tror
    A Bm
    Er vi tætter\’, end vi tror
    Bm D
    Tætter\’, end du tro-o-o-or

    [Kontraststykke: Tessa og Jada]
    D E
    Savner bare at kram\’ dig, kys\’ din\’ tårer væk
    Man glemmer, det, der plejede at kom\’ let, går let
    D E
    Vi nød friheden med hinanden – vi tændt\’ op, og vi festede
    Nu tænder vi lys i vinduet for dem, vi har mistet
    D E
    Savner min familie ude på Vestegnen
    Nu ser jeg kun min mama over FaceTime
    D E
    Husker dit smil og din varme, da jeg sidst så dig
    Måske glemt\’ jeg at sæt\’ pris på dig
    F#m E
    Går igennem ghost town – ensom i storbyen
    A A
    Men ved, der stadig er en sol bagved tordenskyen
    Når det her kaos en dag er bag os, så ved du, hvor jeg bor (Så ved jeg, hvor du bor)
    Føles fjern\’, men vi\’ tætter\’, end ud tror

    [Omkvæd: Don Stefano, Lukas Graham, Jada, Mads Langer, Christopher, Benjamin Hav og Clara]
    Min gamle ven (min gamle ven)
    E F#m
    Føler du dig ogs\’ lidt ensom?
    Jeg lover dig (jeg lover dig)
    E A
    Det ska\’ nok bli\’ godt igen (jeg lover dig, jeg lover dig, uh)
    F#m E D
    Jeg ved, jeg ikk\’ må se dig lige nu
    A Bm
    Men jeg ka\’ hør\’ dit kor
    Selvom vi er langt fra hinanden
    E A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror

    [Post-omkvæd: Benjamin Hav, Clara & Jada, Christopher, Mads Langer og Lukas Graham]
    E D
    Vi\’ så langt fra hinanden
    A Bm
    Vi\’ så langt fra hinanden (Kor: Selvom vi, selvom vi er langt fra hinanden)
    E A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror
    E D A Bm
    Vi\’ så langt fra hinande-e-e-en

    [Outro: Lukas Graham & Don Stefano]
    Selvom vi er langt fra hinanden
    E A
    Er vi tættere, end vi tror

    F#m E A

  • CHORDS: Watworship – I Worship You Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of I Worship You by Watworship on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    F C Dm Bb

    [Verse 1]
    Your calling me out to the deep to be with you forever
    Your voice like thunder shaking the skies, I am amazed at your love for me

    F                          C                                                  Dm                               Bb
    Love rolled the stone away, Love took the nails for me, Jesus King of Kings , I worship you
    F                                                  C                                                  Dm                              Bb
    I am free no more chains, Ready to be all you called me to be, I give it all, I give it all

    [Verse 2]
    Your calling me out to the deep to be with you forever
    Your voice like thunder shaking the skies, I am amazed at your love for me

    F                                                  C                          Dm                                                  Bb
    Love rolled the stone away, Love took the nails for me, Jesus King of Kings , I worship you
    F                          C                                                  Dm                                                   Bb
    I am free no more chains, Ready to be all you called me to be, I give it all, I give it all

    Bb                           Dm                                               C                                                  Gm
    No more hiding I’m free, All you call me to be I’ll be, Proclaiming it to the Nations, Jesus be forever lifted

    G                                                     D.                           Em.                                                     C
    Love rolled the stone away, Love took the nails for me, Jesus King of Kings , I worship you
    G                                                     D.                                                     Em.                           C
    I am free no more chains, Ready to be all you called me to be, I give it all, I give it all

    G D Em C
    I worship you
    G D Em C
    I worship you
    G D Em A G
    I worship you

  • CHORDS: gnash – Outside Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of Outside by gnash on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.


    G Em D C
    (Hey, hey, hey... Nice)
    G Em D C
    [Verse 1]
    Did you see the thing on the news
    About the thing that went bad?
    A lotta people confused
    A lotta people were sad
    A couple people were mad
    And they  were turnin\' their backs
    I didn\'t know what to think
    So I  called  up  my dad and  said
    It\'s scary to go outside
    It\'s scary to take a drive
    It\'s scary to be alive
    But it\'s also scary to die
    Scary to be alone
    It\'s scary to sit at home
    It\'s scary \'cause I don\'t know
    What\'s scaring me the most	

    FEATURED: What you need to know as a Pianist.

    But wait
    What were we talkin\' about?
    I got carried away
             Em         D
    With my worries and doubts
    Why don\'t we turn it around?
    Spend the rest of the day
             Em           D
    With our heads in the clouds
    For a while now
    It\'s getting harder to smile now
    I didn\'t even notice
    [Verse 2]
    It\'s a beautiful day
            Em        D
    And the sky is so clear
    Swear it\'s never this warm out
    So late in the year
    Are the birds and the bees
         Em          D
    All feelin\' our fear
    Do they know what we\'ve done
    To their atmosphere?
    It\'s scary to go outside
    It\'s scary to take a drive
    It\'s scary alone at night
    It\'s scary inside my mind
    It\'s scary to go to school
    It\'s scary to read the news
    It\'s scary to think of you
    I know you\'re scared too

    Are you Finding it difficult playing on key? Use our Free Online Tab Generator for Guitar & Ukulele to get all chords shapes of different key

    But wait
    What were we talkin\' about?
    I got carried away
            Em           D
    With my worries and doubts
    Why don\'t we turn this around?
    Spend the rest of the day
             Em           D
    With our heads in the clouds
    For a while now
    Why\'s it so hard to smile now?
    Let\'s take a walk and talk
    About the sky and the sea
    And the people and trees
    And the things we believe
    And the love that we need
    And the things that we buy
    And the reasons we cry
    \'Cause we\'re scared of this life
    But it\'s scary to die	

    FEATURED: All about Scales you need to know asap.

    Oh, wait
    What were we talkin\' about?
    I got carried away
            Em          D
    With my worries and doubts
    Why don\'t we turn this around?
    Find the beauty and pain
           Em          D
    In the ups and the downs
    And just smile now
    Man, I\'d hate to be a child now
                           C        D
    They\'ll be scared for a while now
  • UKULELE: Alec Benjamin – Mind Is A Prison Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    UKULELE: Alec Benjamin – Mind Is A Prison Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the Ukulele chords of Mind Is A Prison by Alec Benjamin on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    F Dm Am C

    [Verse 1]
    F                                                                          Dm
    I don\’t live in California, I\’ll inform you, that\’s not where I reside
    Am                                                             C
    I\’m just a tenant, paying rent inside this body and I
    F                                         Dm
    Got two windows and those windows, well I\’ll call them my eyes
    Am                                                                                 C
    I\’m just going where the wind blows, I don\’t get to decide

    F                                                             Dm
    Sometimes I think too much, yeah, I get so caught up
    I\’m always stuck in my head
    F                                                             Dm
    I wish I could escape, I tried to yesterday
    Took all the sheets off my bed

    F                                         Dm                                         Am
    Then I tied up my linen with five strips of ribbon I found
    Scaled the side of the building
    Dm                                         Am
    I ran to the hills till they found me
    And they put me back in my cell
    Dm                                         Am
    All by myself, alone with my thoughts again
    F                     Dm                                         Am
    I guess my mind is a prison and I\’m never gonna get out

    [Verse 2]
    F                                         Dm
    So they tranquilized me, analyzed me, threw me back in my cage
    Am                                                             C
    Then they tied me to an IV, told me I was insane
    F                                                             Dm
    I\’m a prisoner, a visitor inside of my brain
    Am                                                                                 C
    And no matter what I do, they try to keep me in chains

    F                                                             Dm
    Sometimes I think too much, yeah, I get so caught up
    I\’m always stuck in my head
    F                                                             Dm
    I wish I could escape, I tried to yesterday
    Took all the sheets off my bed

    F                                         Dm                                         Am
    Then I tied up my linen with five strips of ribbon I found
    Scaled the side of the building
    Dm                                         Am
    I ran to the hills till they found me
    And they put me back in my cell
    Dm                                                             Am
    All by myself, alone with my thoughts again
    F                                         Dm                                         Am
    I guess my mind is a prison and I\’m never gonna get out

    F                                         Dm
    Said even if it\’s true, no matter what I do
    I\’m never gonna escape
    F                                         Dm
    I won\’t give up on hope, secure another rope
    And try for another day
    F                                                             Dm
    Said even if it\’s true, no matter what I do
    I\’m never gonna escape
    F                                                 Dm
    I won\’t give up on hope, secure another rope
    And try for another day

    F                                         Dm                     Am
    Then I tied up my linen with five strips of ribbon I found
    Scaled the side of the building
    Dm                                         Am
    I ran to the hills till they found me
    And they put me back in my cell
    Dm                                         Am
    All by myself, alone with my thoughts again
    F                     Dm                                         Am
    I guess my mind is a prison and I\’m never gonna get out

  • CHORDS: Electric Light Orchestra – Goin Out On Me Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of Goin Out On Me by Electric Light Orchestra on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    [Verse 1]
    C         Am         Dm               G
    You took your love away, baby
    C         Am                 Dm         Gm
    You took your love away from me
    C                 Dm7                 E7         Am         D
    I think of reasons, but there\’s really only one
    C         E                 Am                 F                         C
    You\’ve been goin\’ out on me when I\’ve been gone

    [Verse 2]
    C                 Am         Dm         G
    You took your love away, baby
    C         Am         Dm                         G
    You took your love away from me
    C     Dm7                E7                Am                D
    And so I\’ve donned it as I try to get along
    C                E                               Am                              F                C
    I know you\’ve been goin\’ out on me when I\’ve been gone

    F                                            E
    It looks like you\’ll be gone for good
    Am                              C7
    If I can\’t find a way
    F                                                          F#dim
    No way to make me feel the way that I should
    C                E        Am         G      F                C
    Cold wind blowin\’ in the neighbourhood
    C Am Dm Gm x2
    C Dm E Am Dm
    C                              E                Am                F                C
    I know you\’ve been goin\’ out on me when I\’ve been gone

    [Verse 3]
    C         Am                Dm                G
    You took your love away, baby
    C                Am                Dm            G
    You took your love away from me
    C         Dm          E7        Am          D
    I thought I got you to myself alone
    C                E                 Am                C                F                C
    I know you\’ve been goin\’ out on me when I\’ve been gone

    C         Am      Dm7     G    C
    (Ooh-ooh-oh) Goin\’ out on me
    C      Am                Dm7     G     C
    (Ooh-ooh-oh) Goin\’ out on me

  • CHORDS: Sum 41 – Eat You Alive Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression

    This is the chord progression of Eat You Alive by Sum 41 on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    Dm Am Bb Am C Gm F Gm A F x2
    Dm Dm F C/E C Dm Dm Dm F A
    Dm Dm Dm C/E F C Bb F A
    Dm Dm Dm C/E F C Bb F A
    Dm Dm F C/E C Dm Dm Dm F A

    [Verse 1]
    So can you tell me
    F        C/E        Dm        F           A
    what you\’ve got in-side
    Well is it all those
    C/E        F     Dm    F   A
    fears that you hide?

    [Chorus 1]
    Cause it\’s all messed
    Dm F C/E C Dm
    up now in my mind

    [Verse 2]
    Tell me how you
    F    C/E    Dm    F    A
    think you\’d find
    Your uninhabited
    F C/E Dm F A
    piece of mind

    [Chorus 2]
    You always gotta pray
    for the pessimist
    And these days seem the
    strangest existence
    Now make way and obey
    all the best of us
    Before they just
    eat you alive

    [Chorus 3]
    Dm Am Bb Am
    No explanation
    greatest of ease
    Gm F Gm
    no hesitation
    A F Dm Am Bb Am
    You a-live Desperation
    like a disease
    Gm F Gm
    A F
    Den of thieves

    Dm Dm Dm C/E F C Bb F A
    Dm Dm Dm C/E F C Bb F A

    [Verse 3]
    Dm F
    Cut you down a bit
    C/E Dm F A
    to size You know there\’s
    Dm F C/E Dm F A
    no way out or to sur-vive

    [Chorus 4]
    You always gotta pray
    for the pessimist
    And these days seem the
    strangest existence
    Now make way and obey
    all the best of us
    Before they just
    eat you alive

    Dm Am Bb Am C Gm F Gm A F x2

  • CHORDS: All Time Low – Trouble Is Piano & Ukulele Chord Progression and Tab

    This is the chords of Trouble Is by All Time Low on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar and Keyboard.

    [Verse 1]
    A5                               B5
    Feel you under my skin
    Middle of the night, wonder if you feel it too
    A5               B5
    Echoing in my head
    Colour me with doubt, so much that we didn’t see through
    A5                             B5
    Knew we had a good thing
    Didn’t know just how much I would miss you
    A5                             B5
    Sick of doing nothing
    Even now you’re gone, I know that I need you

    A5               B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is I don’t wanna let go
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is

    D5                                                         A5
    All that I know is I just can’t say no to you
    F#5                             E5
    Funny how things never change
    Trouble is
    D5                                           A5
    All that I wanted was just to get over you
    F#5                                           E5
    Trouble is I can’t find a way
    You’re part of me
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is you’re part of me

    [Verse 2]
    A5                             B5
    I can see a new light
    Burning up the sky, filling up the whole damn room
    A5                             B5
    Want to look away but
    Even when I try there’s a a little that gets through
    A5                             B5
    Hide a way to feeling
    Never was enough, doesn’t matter what I do
    A5                             B5
    Sick of doing nothing
    Even when you’re gone, I know that I need you

    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is I don’t wanna let go
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is

    D5 A5
    All that I know is I just can’t say no to you
    F#5 E5
    Funny how things never change

    Trouble is
    D5                                           A5
    All that I wanted was just to get over you
    F#5                                           E5
    Trouble is I can’t find a way
    You’re part of me
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is you’re part of me

    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, a part of me
    Trouble is, a scar to me
    A5                                           B5
    Trouble is, a drop of bleach
    Trouble is, on my favourite tee
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, a part of me
    Trouble is, a scar to me
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is you’re part of me

    D5                                           A5
    All that I know is I just can’t say no to you
    F#5                                         E5
    Funny how things never change
    Trouble is
    D5                                           A5
    All that I wanted was just to get over you
    F#5                                           E5
    Trouble is I can’t find a way
    You’re part of me
    A5                             B5
    Trouble is, trouble is
    Trouble is you’re part of me
    Trouble is, trouble is
    F#                             E5
    Trouble is I don’t wanna let go
    Trouble is, trouble is
    F#5                             E5               D5
    Trouble is I don’t wanna let go
    Trouble is you’re part of me