CHORDS: Ben Rector – The Thanksgiving Song Chords on Piano & Ukulele

Chords Yallemedia
These are the chords for The Thanksgiving Song by Ben Rector on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard.
[Verse 1]
         D      D/F#
familiar highways
           G                A
lined with leaves turned brown
       D     D/F#
making my way
G       G       A
back to my hometown
      D                  G        
funny how this all looks different,
         D/F#         A
 but it feels the same
         D                G       
like how life never stops changing,
              D/F#        A
 but some things never change

   G                    D
so fill your plate and fill your drink
    A                    D
and fill this house with family
the kind of love that all these
  D                A
 years can\'t wash away
          G           D         
cause the older that I get I see
      A                 D
 that life is short and bittersweet
      G            A            D
thank God for this Thanksgiving Day

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[Verse 2]
         D      D/F#
watching football
         G        A
watching families grow
        D        D/F#
the old kids table
              G        A
all have kids of their own
         D              G     
starting to see my grandfather
       D/F#       A
 in my nephews eyes
    D                G    
mom still can\'t talk about 
             D/F#       A
him and not almost cry

Master all Chord Shapes easily with our Guitar and Ukulele Chord Tab Generator

   G                    D
so fill your plate and fill
your drink
    A                    D
and fill this house with family
the kind of love that all
       D                A
 these years can\'t wash away
          G           D        
cause the older that I get I see 
       A                 D
that life is short and bittersweet
      G                  A        D
thank God for this Thanksgiving Day

   G                   D
So fill your plate and fill your drink
         A             D
put your dishes in the kitchen sink
           G            D             A
and let the leftover year just wash away
         G                 D           
cause we made it through, I do believe, 
     A               D
the longest year in history
      G                   A        D
thank God that it\'s Thanksgiving Day


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