CHORDS: NewDad – I Dont Recognise You Chords on Piano & Ukulele

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These are the chords for I Dont Recognise You by NewDad on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
E Emaj7sus2 E6sus2 E6sus x4

E             Emaj7sus2
Held up in my room
                  E6sus2  E6sus
It’s just another Monday
         E                 Emaj7sus2
Then you burst through the door and 
                     E6sus2  E6sus
you tell me that you love me
But there’s a madness 
in your eyes
           E6sus2       E6sus
And you’re trying to disguise
            E      Emaj7sus2  
That you’re really not alright
E6sus2  E6sus
    E         Emaj7sus2
Now four bare walls   
   E6sus2    E6sus
surround you
       E             Emaj7sus2
You’re going through hell
Can’t seem to find a way 
E                 Emaj7sus2
Floating down the Styx
       E6sus2         E6sus
Please tell me it’s a trick
Because you like 
to joke around
Please tell me that 
you’re joking now

         E6sus2            E6sus
And that you’ll get out of this
     E6sus2            E6sus
That you’ll get out of this

E Emaj7sus2 E6sus2 E6sus
E Emaj7sus2 E6sus2 E6sus
E      Emaj7sus2 E6sus2  
The    strange   nights, 
they’re messing with your mind
E              Emaj7sus2
But they don’t scare you
    E6sus2           E6sus
You don’t want to be left behind
E             Emaj7sus2 E6sus2 E6sus
  No, I don’t recognise you
E              Emaj7sus2 
   No, I don’t recognise 
   E6sus2  E6sus

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[Verse](Actually just bass and drums)
E             Emaj7sus2
Held up in my room
                  E6sus2  E6sus
It’s just another Friday
     E           Emaj7sus2  
Then you call me up and you 
                  E6sus2  E6sus
tell me there’s a party
    E               Emaj7sus2
But something isn’t right
            E6sus2             E6sus
You did the same shit last night
    E            Emaj7sus2
But you say that you’re   
  E6sus2 E6sus
E        Emaj7sus2  E6sus2  E6sus
Now your head   is  reeling
E             Emaj7sus2
The walls are melting
       E6sus2  E6sus
You’re losing feeling
           E            Emaj7sus2
But do you want to escape
              E6sus2  E6sus
What needs to go away?
Why do you want 
to waste your time?
    E6sus2                   E6sus
Why do you want to lose your mind?

    E6sus2            E6sus
And you won’t even try
   E6sus2            E6sus
No you won’t even try

E      Emaj7sus2 E6sus2  
The    strange   nights, 
they’re messing with your mind
E              Emaj7sus2
But they don’t scare you
    E6sus2           E6sus
You don’t want to be left behind
E             Emaj7sus2 
No, I don’t recognise you
E6sus2  E6sus
E              Emaj7sus2  
No, I don’t recognise you
E6sus2  E6sus

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No, I don’t recognise you
No, I don’t recognise you
No, I don’t recognise you

E      Emaj7sus2 E6sus2  
The    strange   nights, 
they’re messing with your mind
E              Emaj7sus2
But they don’t scare you
    E6sus2           E6sus
You don’t want to be left behind
E             Emaj7sus2  
No, I don’t recognise you
E6sus2  E6sus
E              Emaj7sus2  
No, I don’t recognise you
E6sus2  E6sus
No, I don’t recognise you
No, I don’t recognise you
No, I don’t recognise you


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