CHORDS: Psallos – The Story Of Abraham 41-25 Chords on Piano & Ukulele

These are The Story Of Abraham 41-25 chords by Psallos on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard.
G    C    A    C
G    C    A    C

[Verse 1]
G                C       
 Let the man who won-ders
        Am              C
 at the life of A - bra-ham
Who in for-mer days
     C            Am
 was re - ckoned right,
G                 C     
 See the way that He was 
saved was not through 
flesh or might,
But by faith the man was
 C            Am
 jus - ti - fied.
D             D7
 Not of works. No,
 not of works.

G                  C   
 A - bra - ham by faith
 looked a - head to grace,
To a right-eous - ness
 not of his own,
G                 C      
 Bles-sed is the man, who, 
                    A7  B7
like A - bra - ham,
    Em              D
The Lord counts his sins
 as a-toned.

G    C    A    C

[Verse 2]
G                  C  
 Some may say this man
                    Am      C
 named Abe was saved by a sign,
A sym-bol car - ried 
             C           Am
through the Jew - ish line
G                      C     
 Well, let me ask when did it
            Am               C
 pass that A-bra-ham be-lieved?
Be-fore or af - ter he 
     C             Am
the sign re - ceived?
D                D7
 Be-fore the sign, be-fore 
the sign.

G                  C   
 A - bra - ham by faith 
looked a - head to grace,
To a right-eous - ness 
not of his own,
G                 C       
 Bles-sed is the man, who,
                   A7  B7
 like A - bra - ham,
    Em              D
The Lord counts his sins 
as a-toned.

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G    C    G/B    C

D                            C
 Not just the fa-ther of the Jews,
but the fa-ther of us all;
Long be - fore there was the news
of this Mo-ses and the Law,
Not just the fa-ther of the Jews,
but the fa-ther of us all;
Long be-fore there was the news
of this Mo-ses and the Law,
                   F         C
A - bra-ham be - lieved by faith
           A         D
that the Lord would save,
                  F       C
So the pro-mise rest on grace
             D     D7
for you and me.

G                    C        
 A - bra - ham by faith looked
 a - head to grace,
To a right-eous - ness 
G/B Am7    D/F#
not of his own,
G                 C  
 Bles-sed is the man, 
                        A7  B7
who, like A - bra - ham,
    Em              D
The Lord counts his sins
 as a-toned.

G    C    A    C   D


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