CHORDS: The Fall – Life Just Bounces Chords on Piano & Ukulele

Chords Fall Out Boy Chord Progression Tab
These are the chords for Life Just Bounces by The Fall on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard.
[Verse 1]
  A                F#m      
Dr Boring had a relationship
          D            E
 with the drug company too
    A           F#m       
And I am half-related with 
     D        E
the Softness Group
  A         F#m         
PLC On TV today somebody
 D             E
 claimed their dog
    A             F#m 
Had been molested by a 
      D      E
textile chemist

    A                     F#m 
But life just bounces so don\'t 
                    D       E
you get worried at all
And life just bounces so 
don\'t you get worried
     D       E
 at all

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[Verse 2]
The prescription\'s filled but
 F#m           D       E
 I\'m unsure of it\'s contents
I sit back with a tight
 F#m     D     E
 lip, retina amazed

    A                     F#m  
But life just bounces so don\'t
                   D       E
 you get worried at all
And life just bounces so
  F#m                     D   E
don\'t you get worried at all

A F#m D E
    A            F#m        D
And green grow the hedgerows 
along the walls
      A           F#m     
And I see that my problems
     D      E
 are really small
A F#m D E

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[Verse 3]
       A           F#m     
Camera life, brown varnish,
 D      E
          A       F#m   
London is full of people 
               D       E
leaving their homes
They got lack of length in their 
 F#m               D       E
beds and in their rooms
        A             F#m 
And the cops say don\'t dare 
            D       E
leave your home

I tell yer, Life just bounces so 
 F#m                      D     E
don\'t you get worried at all
    A                     F#m 
And life just bounces so don\'t
                    D       E
 you get worried at all

[Verse 4]
       A           F#m 
And Dr Boring says you 
         D     E
are very ill
And your top-knot is in the 
 F#m            D      E
region of your soul
I was in a vortex I was
F#m          D      E
 heading for a fall

I tell yer, Life just bounces
    F#m                      D     E
 so don\'t you get worried at all
And all music just bounces so
 F#m                      D       E
 don\'t you get worried at all


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