CHORDS: The Kelly Family – Tears Chords on Piano & Ukulele

These are the chords for Tears by The Kelly Family on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
[Verse 1]
Dm            Am          Bb
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
             Gm            C
Please don\'t be ashamed of crying.
     Dm         Am       
Your tears come straight 
from your heart.
          Gm                 C
Don\'t you know how pure they are.

Dm Am      Bb       C       Dm
If I could dry them with my lips.
   Am      Bb        C       Dm
If I could keep them in my heart.
    C       Bb       C       Dm
But they belong just to your soul.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.

[Verse 2]
Dm          Am             Bb
Guess I can see it in your eyes.
        Gm              C
I don\'t need to ask you why.
Dm               Am      
Yes, you\'ve been holding 
them too much.
             Gm            C
Please don\'t be ashamed of crying.

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Dm Am      Bb       C       Dm
If I could dry them with my lips.
   Am      Bb        C       Dm
If I could keep them in my heart.
    C       Bb       C       Dm
But they belong just to your soul.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.
     Am          Bb        
Like diamonds of soul they 
     C         Dm
roll down your cheeks.
     Am             Bb    
Like shine from the stars 
     C          Dm
they light your face.
    C       Bb       C       Dm
But they belong just to your soul.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.
     Am          Bb        
Like diamonds of soul they 
     C         Dm
roll down your cheeks.
     Am             Bb    
Like shine from the stars 
     C          Dm
they light your face.
    C       Bb       C       Dm
But they belong just to your soul.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.
  C             Bb      C         Dm
I thank you for sharing them with me.

Master all Chord Shapes easily with our Guitar and Ukulele Chord Tab Generator

Dm            Am          Bb
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Dm            Am          Bb
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Dm            Am          Bb
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Dm            Am          Bb
Tears are the diamonds of soul.


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