Tag: Colin Buchanan

  • CityAlight & Colin Buchanan – The Night Song Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    These are the chords for The Night Song by CityAlight & Colin Buchanan on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
    Bb F Gm Eb Bb/D F Bb Eb/Bb
    [Verse 1]
    Bb             F         Bb
    In the darkness God will keep me
    Eb     Bb        Gm    F
    He will stay and never sleep.
    Bb               F     Gm
    In the darkness, God is brighter
    Eb        Bb/D     F       Bb
    Though the night is long and deep
    Eb                Bb/D     F
    All this day Your hand has held me
    Eb             Gm    F
    God of Heaven, by my side
    Bb                 F        Gm
    Thank you, Father, for Your goodness
    Eb       Bb/D    F           Eb        
    You will hold me through the night.
    Bb/D F Bb Eb/Bb

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    [Verse 2]
    Bb              F       Bb
    In the shadows, You are with me
    Eb      Bb      Gm    F
    And you know my ev\'ry fear
    Bb              F        Gm
    In the shadows, none can harm me.
    Eb      Bb/D   F       Bb
    For the mighty King is here.
    Eb                Bb/D     F
    All this day Your hand has held me
    Eb             Gm    F
    God of Heaven, by my side
    Bb                 F        Gm
    Thank you, Father, for Your goodness
    Eb       Bb/D    F           Eb        
    You will hold me through the night.
    Bb/D Gm F Eb Bb/F F Bb
    Bb/D Gm F Eb Bb/F F Bb G7sus

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    [Verse 3]
    C            G       C
    So I find my rest in Jesus,
    F      C       Am    G
    He who came to rescue me.
    C              G        Am
    Jesus saved me from the darkness,
    F      C/E     G         C
    I will rise to life with him.
    F                 C/E      G
    All this day Your hand has held me
    F              Am    G
    God of Heaven, by my side
    C                  G        Am
    Thank you, Father, for Your goodness
    F        C/E     G           C
    You will hold me through the night.
    F                 C/E      G
    All this day Your hand has held me
    F              Am    G
    God of Heaven, by my side
    C                  G        Am
    Thank you, Father, for Your goodness
    F        C/E     G           Am
    You will hold me through the night.
    F        C/E     G           F          
    You will hold me through the night.
    C/E Am C/G G F C/G G C