Tag: Pat Boone

  • CHORDS: Pat Boone – Anastasia Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    These are Anastasia chords by Pat Boone on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard.
    Em F# B7 Em
    [Verse 1]
         Em                    F#
    Anastasia, tell me who you are
             B7                   Em
    Are you someone from another star?
    [Verse 2]
         Em                      F#
    Anastasia, are you what you seem?
    Do your sad eyes remember 
         Em    Am  Em
    a dream?
    Why do you tremble, 
      D7               G
      and why do you sigh?
    Could you be lonely, 
     as lonely as I?
                E      E7
    Will you remember,   
    when summer has flown
    Another world, a world that
                B7     C   B7
     is yours alone?
    [Verse 3]
        Em                    F#
    Anastasia, smile away the past
        B7                       Em
    Anastasia, spring is here at last
                 E      E7
    Beautiful stranger,    
                     Am        F
    step down from your star
           Em              B7 
    I only know I love you so, 
                Em   B7  Em
    whoever you are


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    [Verse 4]
                 E      E7 
    Beautiful stranger,    
                     Am        F
    step down from your star
           Em              B7 
    I only know I love you so, 
               Em        Em9
    whoever you are
  • CHORDS: Pat Boone – Ill See You In My Dreams Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    CHORDS: Pat Boone – Ill See You In My Dreams Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    These are the chords for Ill See You In My Dreams by Pat Boone on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
       C       C        C       C
    [Verse 1]
    F    F               Fm        Fm
    I\'ll see you, in my   .dreams
    C                  C6        C/G
    And I\'ll hold you      in my   dreams
    A7        Em7         A7 
      Someone    took you,   
                      Em7    A7 Em7 D7
    right out of my arms   ms
    D7                Dm7
    Still I feel  the    
                   G7    C7 B7 F
    thrill of your charms

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    [Verse 2]
    F                         Fm      Fm
    Lips       that once were mine
    C       C6        C       C
     Tender eyes that shine
    Gm          A7      Bm7   E7    Am
      They will light   my    way tonight
         Dm7      G7       C      C C
    I\'ll see you  in    my dreams.

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       F     F     Fm    Fm
       C     C6    C     C
    A7         Em7          A7
    Oh, someone   took you    
                    Em7   Em6  Eb6  D7
    right out of my arms
    D7         Am            Dm7
    Still  I   feel      the    
                   G7    G7  F#7  F
    thrill of your charms
    F            F         Fm     Fm
    Lips    that once were mine
    C      C6        C/G     C
    Tender eyes that shine
    Gm          A7      Bm7   
      They will light   my 
      E7    Am
      way tonight
         Dm7      G7       C       C
    I\'ll see you  in    my dreams.
       C         C       C     C