Tag: Predawn Light

  • CHORDS: Predawn Light – Sunlight Angel Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    CHORDS: Predawn Light – Sunlight Angel Chords on Piano & Ukulele

    These are the chords for Sunlight Angel by Predawn Light on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard
    i want to write a song just for you 
    a song for you a song that 
    will make you smile
    but i keep trying the words aint 
                 C                   D
    comming and baby it driveing me wild
    G                              D
    all the things that you showed me 
    since i first met you
    and all the dreams that you told me 
     C                    D
    i hope thaey all come true for uo my
    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
     G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G               D     Am  
    sweet sunlight angel wont 
    you comae back to me
    G                          D       
    there a sweet bell rinign out loud 
    each time i hear your 
    sweet sweet voice
    G                     D             
    and every time that i have to leave 
            Am            D
    you im just a little destroyed
    G                          D      
    ut you know that ill come back to 
              Am            D
    you as long as you arms are there
    G                          D     
    and you know ill always love you 
       Am            D
    u know ill alway care For my
    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
       G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G                 D   Am  
    sweet sunlight angel wont 
    you comae back to me

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    so as i sit and write these words all 
    down i guess its a perrty good start
    but im just blank a peice of paper 
               C                    D
    girl youre wiriten all over my heart
    dont pretend to know it all 
    whats a dream and what is real
    Em                          C       
    The only thing i promise you i sing 
    what you make me feel feel for my
    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
     G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G               D     Am  
    sweet sunlight angel wont 
    you comae back to me
    G                          D       
    there a sweet bell rinign out loud 
    each time i hear your 
    sweet sweet voice
    G                     D             
    and every time that i have to leave 
            Am            D
    you im just a little destroyed
    G                          D      
    ut you know that ill come back to 
              Am            D
    you as long as you arms are there
    G                          D 
    and you know ill always love 
           Am            D
    you u know ill alway care For my
    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
       G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G                 D   Am  
    sweet sunlight angel wont 
    you comae back to me
    1m just a simple guitar man 
    i sing abotu what i feel
    i dont even care any 
         C                  D
    more what is or isnt real
    my heart goes on forever long 
    as i got breath to sing
    Em                                 C   
    theres an angel out ther somewhere her 
    love gives my heart wings, youre that

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    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
     G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G               D     am  
    sweet sunlight angel wont 
    you comae back to me
    G                          D  
    there a sweet bell rinign out 
    loud each time i hear 
    your sweet sweet voice
    G                     D       
    and every time that i have to 
                  Am            D
    leave you im just a little destroyed
    G                          D      
    ut you know that ill come back to 
              Am            D
    you as long as you arms are there
    G                          D     
    and you know ill always love you 
       Am            D
    u know ill alway care For my
    G               D    
    sweet sunlight angel 
       G                      D
    i know you always will be
    G                 D   Am      
    sweet sunlight angel wont you 
               D                       G 
    comae back say youl come baaack to me
    D  Em C  D G